Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Good Resource on Paul and the NPP

Congratulations are in order for Mike Bird who's book on Paul is finally available through Paternoster. The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective can be ordered from the Paternoster website here and should be accesible through other sites soon. Several people from CBTS have asked what I thought would be a good read on the NPP; Westerholm's survey is one of the most helpful introductions, especially because he samples so many of the sources in his book. After Westerholm, this may be one of the next best reads. This may sound strange since I haven't read the pre-publication mss., let alone obtained my own copy yet; however, I have read several of the chapters as they've appeared as journal articles over the last few years. He takes a position that is firmly rooted in the reformed tradition, yet appropriately informed by the NPP, even taking what is best from it, while leaving the rest behind. I like this approach in general, and I REALLY have enjoyed what I've read so far. If you're interested in Paul or the NPP, you best get your order in soon! BTW, you can read the endorsements over at his website; they're much more impressive than my own words here.

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