Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tracts...by a Calvinist!

Okay, so I still haven't managed to post anything original of my own this week; nevertheless, here's another sweet link I've leached: Free Reformed Tracts. In case you're wondering, this isn't one of the tracts...but it is a good reformed pick up line...

(HT: Between Two Worlds, again)


Mike Osborne said...

Your PhD post was much more helpful than this one.

smlogan said...

well said, mike.
and thanks for the cleavage, nate.
not to mention that baylor already blessed us with this photo several months ago. (association principle)

Nate Mihelis said...


Are you referring to mine or the picture's? If the profile pic of me in the beater is causing you to struggle I can change it...


At least this one elicited a comment.

smlogan said...

i was thinking of the picture, though yours is quite impressive.
baylor, what say you?